I've been home from the hospital for over a week, but I still feel unwell. I wanted to snap back quickly, and I have good days, but I've had some bad days of feeling feverish, achy, and generally under the weather. I guess this is a slow recovery, and I just need to surrender to the process; however I can't help increasing my efforts to speed up things a bit, like going to acupuncture twice a week instead of the usual once, doubling my chinese herbal supplements (following the advice of the herbalist), and drinking raw juices and making my diet almost exclusively veggie/fruits. Can't hurt - at least I hope not.
I posted my story to Obama's Healthcare Stories website and received some Facebook traffic as a result. One person wrote that she read my story in an email from Joe Biden. Also heard from people in Costa Rica, Switzerland, and Winnipeg. I had no idea how far the story would travel when I posted it, so this is a great surprise! Just tried to go to the link and it says the page doesn't exist anymore - maybe they regularly delete to allow new ones? Who knows. Hopefully, it was not pulled because of the hundreds of times I clicked the megaphone icon that said "People should hear this." Mine was the first story that popped up on the website for a while. Here's the link that used to work: http://stories.barackobama.com/healthcare/stories/187392
At least you can read others' stories.
When I was in the hospital and couldn't sleep, I watched a lot of late night talk shows and saw some great music acts. I especially liked Phoenix's performance of "1901" on Letterman. And here 'tis for your listening pleasure (the something different about them is Frenchness):
P.S. The Megan's Fund campaign comes to an end on Aug. 1st, and we are at $80,000 (including offline donations) towards the $100,000 goal. I am overwhelmed and humbled by this response. My deepest gratitude to everyone for your support - financial, emotional, and spiritual. My heart is full.